Buddha's Cat is published!
My new chapbook, Buddha's Cat, has been published by Whistle Lake Press. These poems explore our relationship with cats and dogs, as well as with wolves, foxes, bobcats, coyotes, panthers and other wild species. You can order your print or ebook copy from Amazon for $15, or if you would like a signed copy for $20, email me at wayneleesantafe@gmail.com. “Wayne Lee’s latest book is not a cuddly collection. It is fierce. You will learn from it to see animals in new ways. And perchance find yourself stepping with a more measured gait.” —John Roche, author of Tubbables |

Thank you for visiting my website. Whether you're here to read poems or online poems, order books, find out when my next reading is, attend a workshop, hire an editor or wedding officiant, perruse photographs or quotations, or just pay a visit, welcome!
Upcoming readings
None scheduled at this time.
Tuesday Poetry Practice
Please join our weekly online drop-in poetry/meditation community here, every Tuesday 11 a.m.-noon MDT. For more information, click here.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Interview on KSFR's "The Last Word," May 23, 2024
I was interviewed on May 23 by KSFR-FM's Carly Newfeld on her excellent weekly show, "The Last Word." I read from and discussed my new chapbook, Buddha's Cat. Here's a link to the interview.
Two Previous Interviews on KSFR's "The Last Word"
I had the great pleasure of being interviewed by KSFR-FM's Carly Newfeld, host of the weekly show, "The Last Word." It aired on Jan. 12, 2023. Here's the link. Carly's a wonderful interviewer and we had a rich conversation. The podcast is posted on the show's archives, which include interviews with scores of terrific writers.
This was my second appearance on "The Last Word." Here's the link to the Oct. 7, 2021 podcast.
"This is one of the best of your programs Carly. It was wonderful, really flowed from beginning to end. Wayne is a beautiful poet; why is he not known as well as Mary Oliver, and hundreds of others? Perhaps because he doesn’t pursue the limelight so aggressively like others do. I can tell he’s a gentle soul. So sorry to hear about his beautiful wife Alice. I will look at his website and see when his poetry workshops happen."
--Sarah Newfeld-Green
"Little Bird" earns second place in the 2022 Angela Mankiewicz Poetry Contest
Read the poem here.
A Word from Grandmother
Each day on my forest walk I pause
to press my palms against her skin,
the wrinkles on the backs of my hands
miniatures of her great ridges and ravines.
Each day I stand like that until she speaks,
blesses me with a one-word benediction.
Yesterday it was peace. Today it is patience.
Watch my Chatter Sunday reading from Sept. 23, 2012 in Albuquerque on YouTube
("We loved you and your unexpected, deadpan quirkiness.
You are a delight and we would love to have you back.")
Cold MountainHan-shan says after a moment of bliss, this is better than where I live. I see Cold Mountain disappearing into mist, my life among these thousand-meter cliffs, my days of hermitage and poverty evanescing in a moment of bliss. I look in the mirror and I see wisps of white, like clouds among the leafless trees, Cold Mountain disappearing into mist. This day and the years gone by are mindless ripples, like rivers flowing to the east-- Han-shan vanishing on moments of bliss. I have no desire now to reminisce about my profession or family as Cold Mountain disappears into mist. Some may ask, did Han-shan ever exist? Yes, I did, but now I have been set free-- a puff of smoke in a moment of bliss, Cold Mountain disappearing into mist….
"Let us dream of evanescence, and linger in the beautiful foolishness of things."
--Kakuzo Okakura, The Book of Tea |